Table of Marathons

11 MCM (not for time) 11 Wineglass (950/1442)
10 MCM (not for time) 09 MCM (348/1076)
09 Washington's Birthday Marathon (22/44) 08 MC Historic Half (51/210)
07 Frederick Marathon (32/60) 06 MCM (394/1076)
05 MCM (547/1047)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The effects of fitness on the aging process.

Plantar Fasciitis Treatments


heel raises



I have been many things in my life, philosopher, student of zoology and science, engineer, coward, hero, leader. In old age, what resonates most loudly are the lessons I learned in the crucible that is most alien to all of us in comfort-land America. It is pervaded by an ethos that, among other things, teaches the implacable will to accomplish what you think you cannot do. You can hear the ethos in Major Misty Posey's laconic prose as she mentors and guides:…/SecretToPullupsHowToGoFrom0To20.p…. It is that absolute absence of doubt.…/zero-to-twenty-plus-marine-devel…/

We accept mediocrity in ourselves, enervate our minds and bodies, and ultimately undermine our health in our quest to be comfortable, professionally, physically, intellectually, spiritually. To be comfortable is to be dying.

Freedom is just another word....

Thought from one of my last runs, months ago. The silly bumper stickers are wrong: Freedom really is free. Freedom is a state of mind. I'm always hearing that we're the Land of the Free, as we sink deeper and deeper into debt and addiction. Despite all our declarations of freedom, we're not free.
What isn't often very Justice.

Walking.....better than nothing

Single Sets

Interesting results. Size does not equate to strength. Strength can be achieved by single sets, size comes from multiple sets. I've been spending much more time lifting since i can't run and I think it's showing. But the really important message is that real strength gains can be achieved in single sets.....provided you go to failure.
Of course, the body-building community has had it right for over half a century: you need volume for size.

Preventing Muscle Loss as We Age

A good pairing with the previous post: Muscle loss and its associated loss of strength, is entirely avoidable. One set per major body part, 3 times per week.....that's 15 minutes, 3 times a week. So avoidable....if you step beyond the myths about old age.