Table of Marathons

11 MCM (not for time) 11 Wineglass (950/1442)
10 MCM (not for time) 09 MCM (348/1076)
09 Washington's Birthday Marathon (22/44) 08 MC Historic Half (51/210)
07 Frederick Marathon (32/60) 06 MCM (394/1076)
05 MCM (547/1047)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I started running at 5:15 AM today to beat the forecast 94F heat. 6 miles in the neighborhood. After that, Denise and I went to the Anacostia Trail System for another 13 miles. I'm moderating my efforts because of the heat. An easy 21 to 24 miles in 45 F can translate into a difficult 19 when its 80F. Additionally, the heat is destroying my usual 10 mpm pace.....for now.

We had to an opportunity to do our Karmic good deed for the day: a large black racer was laying on the path sunning itself. Given the propensity of people to indiscriminately kill snakes, I shepherded it to the nearby stream.

I find I psychologically need a run of 20 or so miles on Sunday to legitimize my view of myself. After missing that long run last Sunday in an effort to get caught up in my computer organization course in grad school, being out there pounding the miles through the heavily wooded trails made me whole again.

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